Check out the best night driving glasses and sunglasses with prescription on®. Free shipping and free returns on all online orders!
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Best SellerUniversal FitAnti-glare & anti-reflective glasses are particularly useful while driving to prevent bright light from vehicles or surfaces, or sunlight from distracting you and causing accidents. Tinted, polarized glasses with UV protection will also reduce the stress on your eyes and make driving smoother.
Yes, you can drive safely with a progressive lens. However, it is recommended to check with your optometrist beforehand and make sure your eyes are accustomed to it before driving.
Reading glasses require you to focus on objects nearby and make your vision clearer. For this reason, these lenses are typically convex in shape to solve nearsightedness. On the other hand, driving glasses are concave in shape so that it helps your eyes to focus & clearly see objects that are far away.